A Wise Sage once said ,
" You cannot teach new Sales truths to Realtors ,
because they think they already know it ."
The hardest part in accepting a New Idea in Sales Strategy and Implementation
is acknowledging that the old way may be wrong ,
even though everyone uses it ,
without any questions .
Attend any Sales Seminar ,
and one of the first foundational premises will be ,
' Find out what the Customer wants and give it to them '
To which all the Sales people shout
' That's right !! ' .
And then the Sales Expert says ,
' How can you Sell to your Customer or Client
if you don't already know what they want ? '
And all the Sales people shout with enthusiasm
' That's right !!! ' .
Now the ' Sales Expert says ,
' You have to ask questions to findout
what your Customers wants ,
you know ,
you have two ears and one mouth '
To which all the Sales people roll their eyes and chant
with less enthusiasm ,
' that's right '
( because secretly they know it doesn't work anymore ,
but anyone who questions this is accused of being negative ,
so nobody is brave enough to say anything ).
Then the Sales ' Expert ' closes with a clincher
used for the last 15 years ,
' The reason you haven't done more Sales lately
is because you haven't found out
what the Customer wants ' .
In response all the Sales people mumble ,
' that's r......... ( mumble , rubarbbb , mumble ) '.
And everyone goes home ,
and says ,
' What a great Seminar , I'm determined to findout
what the Customer wants '.
But overall Sales levels don't increase .
At this point we are reminded of the lyrics of the Rolling Stones song ,
' You can't always get what you want ,
but if you try some time you might just get what you need ' .
- Does the Customer really know what it is that they want ?
- If the average Customer/Client does not know what they want , will asking them what they want produce the Sale ?
The Seaside property had beautiful views and was directly overlooking the Ocean ,
in a much sought after location .
However , there were several similar properties for sale in the same area ,
all with similar features ,
so the buyers were procrastinating with their choices .
The result was the Property sitting for sale for quite a while ,
and would not move despite a Price reduction .
The decision was made to take it to Auction ,
and the Beachfront property sold for way over the reserve Price .
- Why could none of the Realtors or Real Estate Agents sell the Property previous to the Auction ?
- If the Customer/Client already knew what they wanted , surely they would have bought the Property pre-Auction ?
- What excuse did the Sales people make for not Selling pre-Auction ?, ' Well we tried hard , but the Customer didn't have a clue what they really wanted '
- Why do we keep telling Sales people to find out what the Customer wants ?
- Why do some Sales people not want to change this approach ?
Copyright - Alpha Training - 2011
This is Part 3 of an ongoing Sales Training Series . For more information contact Jeremy Reynolds on 0432 372 122 .