Friday, February 11, 2011

How to Rise to the Top in Sales in a Market Downturn - Part 1

How to Rise to the Top in Sales in a Market Downturn - Part 1

  • Do the same Sales Techniques work in an Upmarket Economy as in a Downturn ?
  • Why do Sales Teams persist with the same Sales Scripts in a Downturn ?
Obviously Sales Techniques need to change with an Economic Downturn . 

Up until the onslaught of the GFC , Sales of Real Estate was relatively easy .

Investors had a fairly good idea of what they thought they wanted ,
because they had just been to the latest Property Seminar .

But the Economic Times have changed sharply ,
and Sales Strategies have  not subsequently changed to meet the Customers needs .

In most cases Sales Teams are still using Pre-GFC Sales Scripts .

Newsflash ! 

Pre-GFC Sales Scripts don't work in 2011 .

In the next Parts of this ' Rising to the Top in Sales ' Series ,

we are going to examine Why this is in detail ,

and we will Show you the Sales Strategies that will work in an Economic Downturn .

For more information ,

Contact Jeremy Reynolds on

Copyright - Alpha Training - Jeremy Reynolds - 2011


  1. For more information ,

    Contact Jeremy Reynolds on ,

  2. Why do Sales Teams persist with the same Scripts ?
